If you want to start or take your journaling practice to the next level, I will be sharing five practices you can use that are both practical and meaningful.
If you already journal, this may give you added inspiration and new ways to expand, reflect or release what needs to go.
And if you’re new to the practice, I get that journaling can seem daunting when you aren’t sure how to start or what to do so I hope that what I share below inspires you to embark on a journey inwards via the pages in your journal.
The sacred tool of journaling can provide mindset and spiritual growth, wisdom, positivity, and self-understanding which then encourages healthy mental, physical and spiritual health - especially when done as a daily habit or ritual.
When you commit to your journaling practice, you are committing to bringing profound positive change into your you-niverse.
Before going further, I am going to share this important process –
The first step for you to embark on is the deeply personal, adventurous, fun and important journey of sourcing a journal. This is what you will be writing in every day and you want it to be something you love and find practical as well as aesthetically pleasing to your tastes.
How thick do you want the pages? The thicker the better so that ink doesn’t run through the paper… 120gsm is good. I love ‘Butterfly and Bees’ journals which connect to the elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water.
Do you want a plain cover or whimsical art? Think about the colours and imagery that will make you most happy. The cover makes a world of difference, if you love it then you’ll be more likely to reach for it. You can visit local stationary stores which often have a cute selection, just make sure the pages aren’t flimsy.
Do you want to be able to bookmark your page? If you find a journal you love but it doesn’t have a ribbon or material that lets you bookmark where you’re up to, don’t be quick to say no to that journal and instead buy or make a cute bookmark! If you make it yourself you can use paper, card or even find a cute ribbon.
What size do you want your journal to be? I like using A5 (half an A4 haha) but the options are endless, I just prefer something that doesn’t take up too much room in my bag but isn’t so small that it’s hard to stay on the page.
What paper do you prefer to write on? Lined journals are the most common however you can find a lot of dot journals out there or plain papered journals which give you a breath of freedom. The plain paper without lines would be ideal if you like to draw or paint art alongside your words.
Next up is finding the perfect pen to write with. It’s simple - go into a stationary shop or art supplies store and test out the pens until you find your perfect match. Pens have different thicknesses, weights and colours so find one that works for your preference. I like to use a fine, smooth black inky pen, my go-to is the ‘dong-a u-knock xq o.5 black acid-free gel pen’.
Now let’s dive into the 5 journaling practices you can use to change your life in 2024
1: Morning Pages
This is the practice to do if you want to start the day with a sense of renewal, clarity, creativity, and space to move out into the world ahead of you.
Morning Pages is a practice in ‘The Artist’s Way’ book by Julia Cameron, where you take pen to paper and without thinking you pour words out over three pages using only your stream of consciousness. This is done first thing in the morning before the energy of the day has had time to affect you.
“There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages - they are not high art. They are not even “writing”. They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind - and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritise and synchronise the day at hand. Do not over-think Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page… and then do three more pages tomorrow”. - Julia Cameron
Doing this daily can help spark your creative ideas, random thoughts that could turn to gold, chaos turned clarity, dreams now interpreted, and a chance to get closer to the real you. It allows the subconscious mind to be made conscious and with that comes creativity and connection to your internal self. Writing freely allows you to see past the layers and projections you may be holding onto.
Even if you don’t manage to write three pages, starting the morning mindfully with your journal can help you move into your day with gentle ease and positivity. Pair it with your morning beverage and it could be your favourite ritual for 2024.
2: Journal Prompts
If you are stuck on what to journal about or have a certain topic or issue in mind that needs to be understood but are unsure where to start, journal prompts are your answer. They provide you with a question that you can answer in your journal either by thinking about it or letting whatever comes to flow out of your subconscious.
Journal prompts connect you to your inner world by delving deeper into thoughts, past the surface level of what you thought you knew. This truly does bring emotional intelligence and a developed sense of awareness around yourself, your behaviours and emotions, allowing transformation to take place.
If you know what you would like to write on you can search Google or social media for prompts related to that topic. An example is if you’re feeling anxious you could search ‘journal prompts for anxiety’ and see what comes up, looking for prompts that you want to use.
Another way is to invest in some journal prompt cards which means that you can take them wherever you go! Journal prompt cards are a great way to challenge yourself and your mind with what comes up - the questions can be confronting but it’s where growth will happen. Write the answers in your journal or if your journal isn’t on hand then it can prompt you to think about the question. This ‘Journey Inwards’ journal prompt card deck is a great option as there are seven different categories for you to choose from, 111 cards with prompts, and you can even use them as a game with friends or loved ones each answering the prompt aloud to get to know each other on a deeper level.
Plus I made them! You can find them here.

3: Daily Gratitude Journaling
Gratitude journaling may sound a bit woo-woo for some but this beautiful practice can transform your mind in the most positive and impactful ways. When we look at what we do have as opposed to what we lack we are opening ourselves up to more abundance and more positivity. The universe rewards gratitude like a magnet and helps us to appreciate the gifts that surround us whether that’s a roof over our heads or a yummy home-cooked meal.
I have cultivated a daily gratitude practice on and off over the years and I have noticed that the times I am writing my gratitudes are when I feel happier, more content with my life, open to receiving more abundance and in turn seeing more opportunities come my way.
I have jumped the hurdles of feeling like I haven’t had anything to be grateful for that day or struggling to think of something I haven’t already written multiple times, so here’s some advice:
Don’t think too hard, focus on both the big and the small blessings in your day. It can be as simple as the sun shining, breathing fresh air, your morning coffee or tea, a stranger smiling at you or as elaborate as the entire cosmos birthing you into this existence as a human on earth. When you release the pressure of expectation you will be able to see so much to be grateful for!
Not all days you will feel grateful and you may have been dealt a really bad hand one day and wonder what on earth could you be grateful for. The practice isn’t to dismiss the bad stuff that has happened but to form space between the positive and the negative. Yes, the day was awful and yes I am grateful to be able to have a comfortable bed to sleep in. Polarities exist at once, but would you rather give more fuel to the flames or more nectar to the bees?
To start with a gratitude practice, at the end of every day get your diary/planner or journal out and write at least one thing you are grateful for that day. Some days you may even write 5!
For a more elaborate journal session, you can answer these questions:
Today I am grateful for…
I smiled because…
The best part of today was…
A nice treat was…
I was happy that…
I am lucky for…
I am looking forward to tomorrow because…
4: Weekly Reflection and Goal Setting
Never underestimate the importance of weekly reflection and goal setting. This practice can help you track your goals, habits and basically your life. Having your goals and aspirations written down is a great way to remember them and set them in motion.
With personal growth in mind, the weekly habit of reflecting on the challenges, victories and lessons that were, helps us to navigate the currents of life. It invites us to pause, assess the landscape of our dreams, and recalibrate our compass towards our path of purpose. We can use this time of reflection to set achievable goals for the following week, providing practical guidance throughout our days.
A weekly review is best done at the end of your week, giving you the chance to reflect and write out all that shone, dulled, and sparked. What did you learn? What wisdom did you gain? What were your highlights? What were your lowlights?
This practice encourages self-accountability and helps track your progress with your weekly goal setting - just make sure they are achievable for your growth!
5: Poetry and Creativity
I saved the best and my favourite for last! Getting creative with your journaling is a form of freedom, freeing you from any expectations that you have put on yourself or society has made you feel.
This is where your imagination meets paper through the channel of your pen. Or paint - this is what it’s all about, the freedom to choose.
Write, paint, draw, glue, stick, create.
Let your creative mind run wild and spill over the edges of your mind. If you prefer some structure for this you can make containers for your creativity to take reign - think ‘vision board for the month of February’; a poem for heartbreak; drawing what’s in front of you; paint with only one colour and a white. Freedom can be found in self-discipline too.
Getting creative and writing poetry isn’t just fun but it is a beautiful and powerful way to process feelings, expand your mind, understand yourself deeper, and enhance your wellbeing. You are bringing the musings of your mind, heart and soul onto paper - a form of alchemy that grounds the spiritual into the physical.
I’ll help you get started… without limiting yourself write a poem about the colour blue. Have fun!

I hope that these five journaling practices can help bring meaningful change in your life for 2024.
Journaling truly does provide a safe space for you to clear the mind, reflect, explore thoughts, and become more self-aware, essentially to know thyself. Embrace these practices with an open heart, an open mind, and a commitment to personal growth and watch the magic unfold all around you.
Let me know if you have tried these journaling practices and how you have found them!
Has journaling changed your life? Or are you about to find out?