How to Care for Your Crystals

Crystals are made up of energy

To keep a crystal working its powerful magic (the properties it has) it is a good idea to cleanse the crystal's energy field, keeping the energetic channel clear, recharged, & purified. This allows the crystals to continue to store, regulate, transform & create more energy. While also getting rid of negative energies that still remain.


But how do I cleanse my crystals?

Each crystal is different so will therefore react accordingly to each cleansing form.


Moon Light

My favorite way is putting them outside under a full moon and waking up the next day to see them all glistening, shining and looking much happier! This is my personal preference.

The moon's light & feminine Goddess energy is most potent over the full moon period however you shouldn’t feel confined to only put them out when the moon is full. 

Make sure you check that it isn’t going to rain in the night because I have made that mistake and found some of my crystals had dissolved in water ~ the others were extra happy and recharged though! If you think it might rain then I suggest leaving them on a window sill that gets the moon's light.


Cleansing Smoke

Another great way is to use the smoke of incense, sage or other sacred cleansing & healing herbs (lavender, cedar, frankincense, rosemary, sweet grass). This is how I cleanse all orders before sending them out to you!



The sun can recharge crystals and give them energy & warmth. If you choose this method just be careful not to leave them under the sun rays for too long. A lot of crystals can fade in colour, particularly ones with lighter or more delicate colouring like citrine, aquamarine, & amethyst. 


Other Crystals

You can also use crystals like Clear Quartz, Selenite & Satin Spar Selenite that are self-regulating/cleansing to then cleanse other crystals. I like to use Satin Spar Selenite plates or bowls which I can sit other crystals on. It has a nice aesthetic feel to it also.


Rivers & Ocean/Sea Water

Just as us humans love to cleanse, recharge & refresh in bodies of water ~ so do crystals. You can even hold one in the water for a minute or so for a quick cleanse.

Some crystals are happy to be in water, however ones that are 5 or below on the Mohs hardness scale can dissolve or split when exposed to water. 

Crystals which have minerals that can rust or release toxins should also be kept out of water too - the salty sea water can especially cause rust to form.

Some common crystals that aren’t recommended to go in water are:

Selenite & Satin Spar
Celestine / Celestite 
Lapis Lazuli

      Pro tip: it's usually crystals ending with "ite" 


      When you get a new crystal, regardless of where it has come from it is wise to cleanse them. Have you ever gone into a crystal shop and felt overwhelmed with all of the different energies? Or had to leave because of feeling exhausted? That can be the result of all of the different energies that the crystals absorb & store ~ just from their existence of sitting around in a shop and probably not being cleansed as often as they should be. 

      I hope this crystal care guide has helped you! Feel free to send me a message if you have other questions :)

      How to Care for Your Crystals
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