The Lunar Nodes are moving from Taurus & Scorpio, into Aries & Libra - this is the axis of relationship & relating
Aries is the me/self & Libra is the we/other.
The Lunar Nodes are mathematical points where the Moon's orbit around Earth intersects with the ecliptic path of Earth's orbit around the Sun. The intersection is where the nodes are.
The nodes are heavily tied to the soul and karmic lessons that are carried with us into this Earth realm.
The North Node represents where we are needing to head towards as a collective and which positive energies are in need of mastering.
The South Node represents which negative influences, shadows and patterns we are needing to move away from as a collective while still bringing in the positive influences of the sign that it sits in.
How can we create alchemy with two opposing forces?
The axis of Aries & Libra is one of relationships - Aries is focused on the Self and Libra is focused on ‘the other’ in the form of relationship & togetherness.
With the North Node going into Aries we are wanting to make it a priority and nurture the relationship with Self ~ stepping into Aries & 1st house themes of confidence, leadership, courage, initiation (starting things), being bold, healthy assertiveness, the drive to go after your passions, taking charge of your life by finding your true identity & needs in order to create the best possible life for yourself
…to step into your innate power.
The South Node moves into the opposite sign of Aries, which is Libra. This signifies a need to move away from the negative influences & shadows that Libra energy can have on the self. This could be letting go of codependencies, validation, negative relationships (not just romantically) or the need to even have a relationship, and releasing the urge to avoid confrontation & being a reflector in order to ‘keep the peace’
...we are now making a stand on what we are no longer willing to compromise on, setting boundaries, and leading with our true feelings.
Being on an axis there is a need for balance. Just as Libra symbolizes the scales you could think of this astrological shift not one that tips but creates balance in the scales through stepping into positive qualities of Aries energy and stepping away from negative qualities of Libra.
If we were to only focus on embracing the themes of Aries and neglect Libra's energy then this only creates disharmony in the self. You need both energies to thrive. You need Libra’s positive & peaceful qualities to make Aries' positive & fiery qualities even more powerful.
Aries & Libra are cardinal signs - this creates a strong emphasis on behavior, action, initiation & setting things in motion. They relate to the self, compared to the fixed axis that we are moving out of which relates to security.
Focus on how you live each day and who you are beyond relationships. Take the lead in your own life, be the main character of your story. Create a sense of self and step into it.
Pluto will sit in a T square to the nodes until November. This is a powerful aspect which will create an even bigger influence on letting go and moving forward. Patterns, themes, situations, thoughts will come up only for you to let them go. Especially ones from the past, as well as from past lives that have been tied to karmic lessons.
The shift of the nodal axis will affect everyone over the next 1.5 years, as more of a background frequency to set the scene rather than an intense bang like that of a full moon.
Look to the house that Aries and Libra sit in your chart (and if you have any planets or points here) to see where this will all play out as the main focus in your life. The house that Aries resides in will bring an increase in desire to act out those courageous & assertive Aries themes. The house that Libra is in will bring a clearing out and release of the Libran shadows such as people pleasing & the need for validation.
You may feel it more in certain areas of your life when the nodes create a conjunction or important aspect with any of your natal Planets, points and houses.
It can also impact you on a deeper level if any of those aspects with the nodes are made to points or planets in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).
The energy that will be created throughout this shift in the nodal axis will invite an evolutionary push towards knowing yourself on a deeper level & what you want while going after it in an action orientated, non-compromising, diplomatic & balancing manner.
It will invite in the willingness to remove obstacles & relationships of all kinds that are a negative influence towards becoming your true self, and moving away from codependent dynamics that hinder the ability to be your own authentic self. People pleasing or seeking validation are OUT, and focussing on yourself & your own personal growth is IN.
Go after your goals with full authenticity & desire.
North Node in Aries Affirmation:
I witness the passionate fire that burns inside, I follow its path up to where it leads me - to my true identity & authenticity of who I am, what it is that I want & where I can show up as a leader in my own autonomy.
South Node in Libra Affirmation:
I merge with the fire inside to burn down the veil of false validation & peace, that is only kept to please others & protect myself from witnessing truth through healthy boundaries.